Welcome to the documentation of the Picturae Webkitchen components, on this website you can find information how to implement our components on your own website.
You can also try the demo to see how our application should behave. In case you have any questions you can contact us at contact@picturae.com.
The following page gives information about the available recipes and their ingredients.
Capture all OPTIONS requests
List all available predefined config for the client to use, the following parameters are available: lang={language} Optional language meta={0(default)|1} Return the list of metafields for the configuration. apiKey={key} '.' Api key callback={?callback} When supplied, return json within Javascript callback function. Request: Example /config/?apiKey={key}&lang=nl&meta=1
Converts the content of an EAD file to a structured PDF file ead={relative_path_to_ead} Path to EAD file apiKey={key} '.' Api key. Request: Example /ead2sol/?apiKey={key}&ead={relative_path_to_ead}
Returns list of findingaids apiKey= {key} apiKey lang={lang} Language auth= Authorisation Token requestSolr={1|0} Return solr fieldnames in place of translated names keywords={keywords} Search term withscans={1|0} return only results with scans start={start} Paging limit={limit} Paging Limit flimit=5 Facet limit view={view} callback={?callback} When supplied, return json within Javascript callback function. Request: /findingaids?apiKey={key}&lang=nl_NL&auth={authority_token}&requestSolr=0&keywords={keywords}&withscans=0&start=0&limit=10&flimit=5&view=context&callback=callback_json1
Returns a list of finding aid items Returns items for a single finding aid when passed apiKey= {key} apiKey id={id} Identifier of the archive (findingaid) lang={lang} Language auth={auth} Authorisation Token callback={?callback} When supplied, return json within Javascript callback function. Request: /faitems?apiKey={key}&lang=nl_NL&auth={authority_token}&requestSolr=0&keywords={keywords}&withscans=0&start=0&limit=10&flimit=5&view=context /faitems/{id}?apiKey={key}&lang=nl_NL&auth={authority_token}&requestSolr=0&keywords={keywords}&withscans=0&start=0&limit=10&flimit=5&view=context
Returns a list of finding aid items Returns items for a single finding aid when passed apiKey= {key} apiKey id={id} Identifier of the archive (findingaid) lang={lang} Language auth={auth} Authorisation Token callback={?callback} When supplied, return json within Javascript callback function. Request: /faitems?apiKey={key}&lang=nl_NL&auth={authority_token}&requestSolr=0&keywords={keywords}&withscans=0&start=0&limit=10&flimit=5&view=context /faitems/{id}?apiKey={key}&lang=nl_NL&auth={authority_token}&requestSolr=0&keywords={keywords}&withscans=0&start=0&limit=10&flimit=5&view=context
Returns a single findingaid apiKey={key} apiKey id={id} Identifier of the archive (finding aid) lang={lang} Language auth={auth} Authorisation Token callback={?callback} When supplied, return json within Javascript callback function. Request: /findingaid/{id}?apiKey={key}&lang={lang}&auth={authority_token}
Returns tree of all subnodes of an archive (findingaid) apiKey={key} apiKey id={id} Identifier of the archive seriesPath={path} '.' separated list of node identifiers to identify level auth={auth} Authorisation Token callback={?callback} When supplied, return json within Javascript callback function. Request: /tree/{id}/{seriesPath}
Returns requested sections of an EAD, identified by findingaid id apiKey={key} apiKey id={id} Identifier of the archive section={section} Section of the EAD to return auth={auth} Authorisation Token callback={?callback} When supplied, return json within Javascript callback function. Request: /datasection/{id}/{section}?apiKey={key}&{lang}&callback={callback}
Summarizes a drilled down level of an archive, returned as a JSON callback. id={id} Identifier of the archive seriesPath={path} '.' separated list of node identifiers to identify level Request: /tree/{id}/{seriesPath}
Returns (autocomplete) suggestions for a search term term={term}. apiKey={key} '.' Api key. callback={?callback} When supplied, return json within Javascript callback function. Request: /suggest/?apiKey={key}&term={term}&callback={callback}
Returns the EAD section for the specified Archive section id={id} Identifier of the archive seriesPath={path} '.' separated list of node identifiers to identify level apiKey={key} '.' Api key Request: /file/{id}/{seriesPath}?apiKey={key}
Returns the EAD section for the specified Archive section id={id} Identifier of the archive seriesPath={path} '.' separated list of node identifiers to identify level apiKey={key} '.' Api key Request: /file/{id}/{seriesPath}?apiKey={key}
Returns information about Scan on a node id={id} Identifier of the archive seriesPath={path} '.' separated list of node identifiers to identify level apiKey={key} '.' Api key callback={?callback} When supplied, return json within Javascript callback function. Request: /scan/{id}/{seriesPath}?apiKey={key}
Streams the EDepot file to the caller id={id} Identifier of the archive key={key} '.' EDepot key apiKey={apikey} '.' Api key Request: /edepot-file/{id}/{seriesPath}?apiKey={apikey}
Retrieve path of item to link to: returns: ['path' => 'something/c1'] It can be used to link to if you add the archives application location 'http://example.com/archives/' + obj.path;
Returns information about all Scans on a node id={id} Identifier of the archive seriesPath={path} '.' separated list of node identifiers to identify level apiKey={key} '.' Api key Request: /scans/{id}/{seriesPath}?apiKey={key}
Request Authorization tocken from the api. This endpoint is accessible only for POST requests. Required Parameters: handshakeKey={client handshake key to the api} Example Request: POST /auth?apiKey={apiKey} handshakeKey=111111-1111-1111-1111-00000 Example Successful Return: { "status" = 0, "data" => {unique uuid} "msg" => '' } Use the returned in the data uuid for the future requests to mediabank. Note: Handshake Key should be secret! Dunno use it as GET parameter.
Make a reservation for archives Do a post request with the following parameters Required: person[name]=test person[email]=c.dekok%40picturae.nl date=2015-12-12 unitid[0]=code.1 unitid[2]=code.2 files[0]=af75330fcf46337c89b03156437f7007 files[1]=07fb7f18dc443da492cdf5f16e38ea7b Optional: type={email|memorix-archives} The type determines what action to use post to memorix archives or send and emailResponses
Responses are send in json Success response: { "message": ["Reservation succesfully created"] } Error response: { "error": { "code": 400, "message": ["Name is required", "Date is invalid"] } }